The kite and investments! What do they have in common?

The kite and investments! What do they have in common?

The Kite and Investments. At first sight, no connection, but in fact, a whole series of similarities were discovered by me in the 7-day camp where I continued to learn to “go” with the kite with a lot of perseverance (to kite). I will tell you next about the steps you need to follow in both investing and kite.

In 7 intense and adrenaline-filled days, you can discover Kite for exactly what it is – a complex sport, where coordination between hands, feet, and the rest of the body must be very good.

Attention to detail? Crucial. Need a coach? Essential!

Because I am a financial coach, obviously passionate about financial education and, after this camp, I also became passionate about kites, I found countless similarities between these 2 passions.

Steps to follow in investing

Initial assessment

Before starting kite lessons, I was assessed to determine my experience and level of coordination.

Likewise, in investments, before you start, you need to make a risk profile. It helps you find out what your experience level and what your risk tolerance is.

Choosing the right equipment

After determining the level, the next step in kitesurfing is choosing the right equipment – neoprene, shoes, board, tie bar, type of kite, etc.

In Investments, the next step is choosing the financial instruments you can invest in, depending on your risk profile, investment experience, and financial goals.

The theoretical part

Before entering the water, the first part of the course consisted of the theoretical part. I was given details about:

  • each piece of equipment used,
  • how it works,
  • how to assemble,
  • how to disassemble,
  • how to maintain,
  • what are the environmental factors that I need to be aware of
  • what is the direction of the wind,
  • what is its intensity,
  • what is the depth of the water,
  • is the wind blowing on-shore, off-shore or cross-shore

… and, most importantly, what are the risks and how do I protect myself from them – safety comes first!

Similarly, before you start making investments, it is necessary to have a good understanding of the instruments in which you are investing. It is important to know how each one works, what are the characteristics and at the same time what is the risk of each financial instrument. Here you can read specialized books, take investment courses, watch different financial educators on YouTube, etc

Learn the Jargon

Learn the “jargon” of the respective domain – words such as Down-wind, up-wind, edge, wind window, body dragging, chicken loop, Onshore, Offshore, etc.

Likewise, in investing you need to learn the terminology used – Coupon, Dividend, Maturity, ETF, CFD, Bear Market, Bull Market, etc.


After the initial assessment, choosing the right equipment, and the theoretical part, the next step is practice. Because it is a complex sport, the learning process is gradual. The first step is to learn to handle the kite, the second step is to control it very well, the third step is to learn the starting position and stand the board, the fourth step is to start (the Waterstart) and the last is to handle the kite and the board so that you can move, safely, over long distances.

In Investments, the beginning should be done gradually – we start with bank deposits first, then we add government securities, then we also invest in mutual funds, continue with ETFs and individual stocks and, why not, real estate.

Investments are made gradually. We do not invest in all financial instruments at the same time, but as time passes and we understand how a financial instrument works, we can add it to the portfolio in small amounts. As we understand even better how it works and if it matches our expectations, we can increase the amount invested in that instrument.

Need a Coach

I believe that correct and safe kitesurfing cannot be learned by oneself or if it can be learned, the learning process is very long and involves many risks. In the presence of an experienced trainer (coach) whose role is to explain to you all the stages, you must go through and who observes, in real-time, your evolution and adapts the stages to your way of learning and your pace, your evolution can be fast and rewarding.

In the same way, a financial coach can help you understand what are the steps you need to follow in investments, for a financial life as fulfilling as possible.


  • gives you details about the financial decisions you need to make,
  • helps you define your financial goals,
  • supports you every step of the way.

As in the case of the kite, a good financial coach helps you consistently shorten the path to achieving your financial goals and at the same time consider the risks when making investments.

Exercise, Exercise, Exercise

To reach an increased level of expertise, the “secret” is to stay in the water as much as possible and with your hands “on the bar” as much as possible. That is to practice this sport as much as you can until certain movements become reflexive and the brain no longer has to exert effort to coordinate them, they come naturally. Only then you can focus on improving your style and correcting small mistakes that could appear.

In investing, exercise is very important. It is not enough to read everything you can about the subject of investments. Having a coach who guides you toward your financial goals is not enough. You need to start investing consistently, automatically, and as consciously as possible.

Understanding the environment and choosing the right tools

To be able to do this sport, you need, first of all, the wind. The intensity of the wind and its direction are very important.

Therefore, before entering the water, kiters check the wind forecasts for the next period and enter the water only under certain conditions – when the wind is within certain limits. At the same time, depending on the intensity of the wind and depending on the weight of the person, a kite with the right size is chosen. The stronger the wind, the smaller the chosen kite will be. The weaker the wind, the larger the chosen kite will be.

Similarly, depending on the economic, social and political, local, or international circumstances you have to choose the right financial instruments. More stocks in low times (cheaper) and more bonds in up times (interests can be higher).

What do you do when environmental conditions change?

Kiters follow the wind movements and adapt their equipment according to the changes. At the same time, if the wind is too weak or too strong, some decide not to enter the water. At the same time, when the wind “drops” everyone gets out of the water and waits for the return of the wind.

The same should happen with investments – be aware of environmental changes and adapt your portfolio to these changes. When there are expectations of substantial changes in the evolution of the markets – recession, inflation, rising interest rates, we should gradually modify the portfolio to benefit from those developments.

In the same way, when the market “falls”, we should know what we have to do in those moments. In the case of stock investing, a sharp drop in prices can mean a good time to buy. As with the wind in a kite, when the market falls, one thing to do is to do nothing – or sell at those times. Moments of accelerated decline are the most inappropriate moments.

Here are the steps to follow in investing:

  • Initial assessment – establishing risk profile and experience
  • Choosing the right equipment – the financial instruments in which to invest
  • The theoretical part – learn about the field of investments
  • Learn the jargon – the terminology and details of each financial instrument
  • Practice – start investing gradually, with small amounts at first
  • Call a financial coach to guide you toward setting and achieving your goals
  • Practice, practice, practice – practice constantly, and don’t expect to get everything right the first time
  • Understand the environment and choose the right tools
  • What do you do when environmental conditions change?

Discipline, patience, and practice are the ingredients for learning a new “SPORT” even if it is called KITE or INVESTMENT.

I’m just a click away if you need an investment coach (financial coach).

Go big on savings and profitable investments!

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